New Kitchen Island from IKEA

An IKEA kitchen island provides a super-affordable, beautiful update in this kitchen remodel.

When you have your new kitchend island in, check out our kitchen collection for Easy DIY Kitchen Projects, IKEA Hack Over-the-Fridge Storage, and how to choose the right bar stools.

Budget Friendly IKEA Kitchen Island, Welcome To Heardmount On Remodelaholic

Hello, fellow Remodelaholics! I’m Meredith Heard from Welcome to Heardmont and I’m thrilled to be here today. The road to our kitchen remodel was a long one. We were really getting somewhere with the room, but even after we painted our old kitchen island, my husband wasn’t sold on its looks or functionality.

Kithcen Island, Before, Welcome To Heardmount On Remodelaholic

So what’s a girl to do? Browse a million different websites, conclude that a $1500 new island was waaaay out of her price range……. then stumble upon the STENSTORP Ikea kitchen island for under $400! Yes!

(Remodelaholic update 7/31/19: STENSTORP is no longer available at IKEA, but VADHOLMA is very similar.)

This was one of our first experiences with Ikea furniture, so I was happy to find that the island was a breeze to assemble and seemed to be really high quality and very sturdy.

IKEA Kitchen Island In Budget Friendly Kitchen Remodel, Welcome To Heardmount On Remodelaholic

The new IKEA kitchen island came with a wood top, which we’ve never had before, so I decided just to use the wood oil Ikea sells to treat it. The instructions tell you to sand first, then apply a coat of the oil, let it dry, and repeat up to 5 times. I don’t know about you, but this is NOT what I expected the oil to look like when I opened the can! I guess I was picturing something more the color of olive oil.

How To Use IKEA Wood Oil, Welcome To Heardmount On Remodelaholic

It goes on white and then soaks into the wood. You can see I used a foam brush to apply the oil.

How to Apply IKEA Wood Oil, Welcome To Heardmount On Remodelaholic

One thing I noticed after applying the oil the first few times was that the wood became very rough as it soaked up the oil – the grain was raised and there were little slivers of wood standing up all along the surface.

You can see the remnants of the wood slivers on my sanding block below.

How To Finish Raw Wood IKEA Furniture, Welcome To Heardmount On Remodelaholic

After every coat, though, the counter got more and more smooth. Luckily by the 4th coat, the wood only needed a slight sanding before it was ready to use.

Here’s our new IKEA kitchen island in its spot!

New IKEA Kitchen Island In Kitchen Redo, Welcome To Heardmount On Remodelaholic

Wondering why we chose something with a smaller countertop, less seating space, and presumably less storage? Believe it or not, the open shelving on the opposite side of the island provides the perfect place to store our pots and pans, mixing bowls, and even some of our prettier kitchen items that we never got to appreciate before.

Open Shelving On New IKEA Kitchen Island, Welcome To Heardmount On Remodelaholic

The old island’s doors and drawers were so cumbersome compared to this open shelving. And the new IKEA kitchen island lets us bring lots of fun color into the space. Proof positive that bigger isn’t always better!

Add Color To Your Kitchen With IKEA Kitchen Island With Open Shelving, Welcome To Heardmount On Remodelaholic


Budget Friendly Ikea Kitchen Island, Welcome To Heardmount On Remodelaholic

So true, Meredith! What a great find and beautiful kitchen! Thank you for sharing!

Readers, don’t miss out on more kitchen goodness from Remodelaholic:

How to Design a Budget Kitchen Island, Farmhouse Style

Get This Look: A Colorful White Kitchen

Build a Countertop Spice Storage Bin + Printable Spice Labels

Originally published 04.20.2011 // Updated 08.06.2019

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Love the island from Ikea. It’s exactly what I have been looking for and went immediately to Ikea’s site to see if they still sell it. Your kitchen looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi
      I just stumbled across your post. We just bought a Stenstorp Kitchen Island and was wondering 1) if you used the Behandla wood oil treatment (as it says in the instructions) and 2) do you cut food, place food, directly on your island?

      The reason I ask is because many people have differing opinions on whether the Behandla is food safe, and whether you should just use mineral oil instead of Behandla.

      1. Hi
        I just stumbled across your post. We just bought a Stenstorp Kitchen Island and was wondering 1) if you used the Behandla wood oil treatment (as it says in the instructions) and 2) do you cut food, place food, directly on your island?

        The reason I ask is because many people have differing opinions on whether the Behandla is food safe, and whether you should just use mineral oil instead of Behandla.


  2. Hi
    I just stumbled across your post. We just bought a Stenstorp Kitchen Island and was wondering 1) if you used the Behandla wood oil treatment (as it says in the instructions) and 2) do you cut food, place food, directly on your island?

    The reason I ask is because many people have differing opinions on whether the Behandla is food safe, and whether you should just use mineral oil instead of Behandla.