25+ Free Printable Vintage Images

[tps_header]Free printable high resolution vintage images from book pages and more via NYPL, sources at @Remodelaholic

If you’re a fan of beautiful printable vintage images (like we are!) — rejoice! Earlier this month, the New York Public Library announced that they are making public domain thousands of high-resolution vintage image from their collection, those that have no known US copyright. Public domain means the images are free to share and use as you please — so these are available for you to print and frame as part of a gallery wall or any kind of wall art or decor that you can dream up! I love modern technology!

I started browsing intending to pick 5 or 10 beautiful images to share with you… and an hour later, I had dozens, which I narrowed down to 25 for you today. There are SO many images in their collection! You can go here to browse everything, or check out some of our favorites below, which includes links directly to those images to download and use.

Note that not all of the images in their vast collection are public domain, but they have millions of images and thousands of those are now available in the public domain, in high-resolution! To filter for those that are public domain and free for unrestricted use, just click the “Show Only Public Domain” checkbox in the left sidebar (under the Filters tab) as you’re searching or browsing one of the many image collections, and/or look for “Free to use without restriction” below the image. Some images have multiple sizes to choose from, so click the drop-down menu to see all the available sizes and download the high-resolution TIF files that NYPL has generously provided.

How to find beautiful FREE vintage images to print via @Remodelaholic

Not sure how to work with vintage images to prep them for printing? Brynne over at The Gathered Home has a great tutorial showing you how.

Not sure what to DO with all these pretty free images once you’ve printed them? Try one of these 50+ ways to display photos and art prints.

And now, to the images! I’m sure we’ll share more soon because there are just SO many great book pages and resources — maps, book covers, menus, illustrations, portraits and photos, oh my! 🙂 See more of the vintage images we love here, and more free printable art here (both vintage and non).

Beautiful High-Res Printable Vintage Images

Click the link above each image to visit the New York Public Library site and download the high-resolution image to print.

All images courtesy of (and a huge thanks to!) the New York Public Library. 


Vintage Pictorial Broadway Collection
images:  1  /  2  /  3  /  4  /  5Historic Pictorial Broadway Vintage Images to Print via NYPL @Remodelaholic

A Regular Saturday Afternoon Deal (from the Buttolph Collection of Menus)free printable vintage book page playing cards illustration NYPL

Norddeutscher (from the Buttolf Collection of Menus)vintage German menu with monochrome ship NYPL

Papillons (from the Ornament and Pattern collection)vintage book page print, illustrated butterflies NYPL

see more vintage butterfly images to print here

Wild Swan (from the Ornament and Pattern collection)vintage book page print, illustrated swans NYPL

See more printable vintage images on the next page –>

We love hearing from fellow Remodelaholics, so let us know what you like about this and leave any questions below in the comments. If you've followed a tutorial or been inspired by something you've seen here, we'd love to see pictures! Submit pictures here or by messaging us over on Facebook.

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  1. These are phenomenal. My mind is already spinning with ways to blow them up and perhaps use them as murals or oversized posters. Thanks so much! Can’t wait to look through the whole collection.

    1. Give yourself some time… there are SO many images! So hard to choose which one(s) to feature here, let alone which one(s) to actually print first! šŸ™‚ Thanks for the comment, Leslie!

  2. I am so excited! I’ve been looking for prints to use in my home and wham, you deliver them to my email, see me doing a happy dance! I look forward to my daily dose of Remodelaholic and love the ideas I get from your site. Thanks for sharing and for your great site!

  3. Thank you do much i’ve been using prints for projects over the years but these have not been easy to source and have often been expensive. I signed up to your site today and wow I find all these wonderful prints, thank you, I am over the moon, it feels like my birthday! I cannot wait to get started.