Busy BUSY! Wrapping Up Christmas!

Only how many days left till Christmas?

Holy Cow!

We have been working like MAD the last few days.   We had a pretty good start on this playhouse project, but then Justin had a few crazy busy weeks at work.  We were sick A LOT which means no babysitter for practically 3 weeks… and it continues.  (luckily we should have help today for 3 hours- they will be golden hours I tell you!)

The girls have been with us every step of the way for the playhouse.  So giving it to them for Christmas as a surprise won’t really make sense, but what we are going to surprise them with is a play kitchen… that we will be painting today(fingers crossed we finish)  I will show you a sneak peek in a second.

Anyway.  I don’t have a  ton of time to write… (I am watching the Terra Nova season finale, and having Lost withdrawals, as I type…)

So here are some highlights, I will be back with more explanations soon!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!

2011-11-30 (13)

The coffered ceiling… There is a reason for this madness… a cantilevered balcony I’ll show you more next time!  We were also able to use some scraps of v groove board from our family room project.

2011-11-30 (21)

The soon to be faux fireplace and hearth…


2011-12-16 (9)

We used some drywall that we removed from under our stairs… for the back wall.  We decided to just cover up the jack studs we had for the second floor..  But still wanted a little bit of a Tudor detail in the corners, so we added the beams… but I ended up painting them all white… for now.

The light was from a 2 pack I got a few years ago on clearance for $3.50!  Score!

2011-12-19 (12)

I painted the buffet green… I wasn’t sure about it at first but I love it now, and it has set us off in a very colorful direction.  I used part of my collection of mis-mixed paints…

The walls are just plain white, cuz there is going to be lots of color else where.

2011-12-21 (4)

The fireplace, all dry walled (with old scraps) and a new wood mantel from left over flooring and wood boards used from this art piece.  You can see the the tiling isn’t done yet… and while I had collect a whole wagon full of rocks, to actually do a rock fireplace, I simplified it and went for a faux plaster surround.  I will hopefully glaze it and give some really depth to the roughness.  Oh and there is the second light.

2011-12-21 (23)


Last thing we’ve done is paint the ceiling… I missed one spot!  URGH!  I didn’t notice until the brushes were all cleaned and I was climbing out of the playhouse to go to be at 12:00 last night.  Oh well, I will get to it soon!2011-12-21 (32)

I am excited about the kitchen… we are thinking red.  So yeah!  A WHOLE LOTTA color.

I want to make some art printables too for the walls, I have some fun ideas, (I think!) But we are out of magenta ink… and I went crazy and bought a new printer (Our old one doesn’t recognize Windows 7 operating system, so we have been using a SD card for the last 2 years and it doesn’t print unless a specific computer is on… I am sick of going up and downstairs to scan an image, save it, get the card… annoying)  Besides the new printer is an 11 x 17 printer and an 11 x 17 SCANNER!  Awesome!  (the best news of all was I found it a few days ago on Amazon, then when I went back today the price had dropped by 50 bucks! )   I hope it works well, I am REALLY excited for a larger scale printer and a huge scanner!


Anyway… I am just dying to hear what you think!

Do you like it? Please comment…it would be like an early Christmas present!

or a pin if you are feeling kind!

Merry Christmas!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. WOW!!! It really is amazing. This is really amazing and the term “playhouse” doesn’t do it justice!! I’m sure your girls will years of dreaming and imagination in such a wonderful place. It’s really beautiful!!

  2. Your girls have to be the luckiest girls EVER. It is simply amazing! You will love your new printer. Having a large format printer opens up SO many possibilities;)

  3. I LOVE IT! I have been watching the transformation and knew it was going to be fabulous but this is exceeding my expectations! Cant wait to see the final pictures! Your girls are just going to LOVE it!

  4. It is AMAZING! Makes me wish I had an extra closet in my house. Your girls are going to love it. Merry Christmas to you all from Columbus Ohio!

  5. My real kitchen doesn’t look this good! Seriously, this should be in a magazine or something. Great Job!
    Tara @trophyw.blogspot.com

  6. WOW is all I can say! What kid wouldn’t love that!!

    I’m new to your blog…This is beautiful site!