Thanksgiving Tablescape

Submitted by Designing By Numbers



BHG: Leaf Place Cards


Yes, I held out as long as I could in decorating for autumn, and yes, that means I left it until just about the last minute to set up my table for Thanksgiving this year as well. But, with a few simple touches, I was able to whip up a stylish backdrop for dinner just in time for guests to arrive!

Luckily I had the major stuff down:
  • table cloth – check
  • chargers – check
  • utensils – check
  • plates and bowls – check

But I needed a little more oomph. A few of the usual fall staples make great ingredients when you’re in a pinch to adorn the table with that little something extra: pine cones, mini pumpkins, and best of all – leaves!

First thing’s first, you’ve just got to get a centerpiece together. For my natural focal point, I grabbed a large bowl and arranged some apples, pine cones, and moss inside and jazzed it up a bit with some faux branches around the base. Having just made a trip to the pumpkin patch (that morning!) I added a few mini pumpkins to the display. Some bright yellow flowers embellished with a bright green satin bow added a real pop to the table.

Apple and pine cone centerpiece
OK, centerpiece done and done.Next comes the seating cards. While these can be completely unnecessary (especially if you have a small family like I do), it can be a nice touch to create your own place markers – especially using leaves like in my inspiration shot above from Better Homes and Gardens.These are so easy to make; just select a few nicely shaped/coloured leaves – either preserved, like I have used, or found for FREE from autumn’s bounty outside – then grab a pen and start writing!I used a gold pen with a bit of shimmer to it. Just remember to use a darker ink on lighter coloured leaves so that your guest’s names appear prominently on the leaves.
Leaf place cards
I finished off the place cards by affixing them to napkins using a plain canvas ribbon. Super fast, super easy. NEXT!
I just love how these place cards turned out
Leaves make another appearance on my table to style up some plain glass coasters (actually, these are candle holders from Ikea doing double duty!) Just drop a leaf on the table and set that glass “coaster” right on top of it. I am on a roll!
Leaf coasters
As a final touch I broke out some mini autumnal cookie cutters my mum had given me and crafted mini leaf and acorn shaped butter (another {BHG} inspiration). You can use either miniature sized cookie cutters, as I did here, or the larger sized ones, as featured on BHG.
Leaf and acorn mini butter
I think this turned out just adorable – and my family was swooning over them! It’s the little things, after all 😉
They are almost too cute to use!
Despite being rushed to get things set up for Thanksgiving I think I did a pretty decent job overall with the things I had on hand, and best of all my family did appreciate the effort. It’s the least I could do since I’m certainly not the chef of my household!
Thanksgiving tablescape
Now, on to thinking AHEAD for Christmas dinner! (Yeah, right!)Be honest…
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I am the husband of the amazing Cassity of Remodelaholic. I love to problem solve and to design and build things inside and outside the house to make life better. I am a professional Landscape Architect by trade and love the outdoors.

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    1. Thanks, Heather! Admittedly I’m not the biggest fan of this particular season, but I really did find myself enjoying getting set up for it this year. And yes, it had to do with the fun fall colours!

  1. Why, I have some of those glass candle holders/coasters that I could put a leaf underneath, what a neat idea! I too use real leaves on the table and as place cards each year. It’s one of those activities that I use to keep little guests occupied. They get to go out and “hunt” for the most beautiful leaves and then I give them markers and ask them to write the names in their prettiest cursive writing. The leaves are so pretty and the kids so proud of their creations and contributions!
    Thanks for all your wonderful ideas; I’ll be adding several of them to my Thanksgiving table this year!

    1. I’m so happy to have given you some inspiration, Erin! And I love your idea of having the kiddies make their own leaf place markers – SUPER clever!

      Take care,

  2. I love the fall colors and decor with the aqua-turquoise colored placements…it really gives it a fresh pop of color. Sometimes, I think autumn/thanksgiving decor can be really heavy looking, but this still has a nice, fresh, playful look to it. I think it’s great. (I would never have the patience to cut butter into shapes…very impressive!)

    1. Thanks for the sweet comment, Erin!

      I’ll let you in on a little secret… my placemats are actually linen napkins!!!! I too loved this colour and really wanted to have it on my table – so I opened up the napkins, neatly folded and ironed down two sides, and voila – instant placemat!

      Also, try the butter shapes – it is beyond EASY; literally just cut off a piece of butter from the stick and press the cookie cutter into it. Barely any effort at all!

      Take care,