Ideas for How I Survive a (constant) Remodel!!

We talk a lot about remodeling around here, but if you haven’t noticed, it is a group effort.  I have an ah-maze-za-zing team of contributors and assistants, because guess what?  Remodeling, takes a LONG time!  It is hard.  You get sick of it… and yet it is usually going on right at home base, with nowhere to escape.

I know we all think it takes about 3 days to remodel a house, based on HGTV shows, am I right?  (Heck no by the way)  We look around at our unfinished projects and think, what is wrong with me?  But the truth is, in real life even those “three day shows” take months to finish… they just don’t record the waiting game parts!

Sometimes, remodeling can be a huge strain!!  In SO many ways, it can put stress on you family, on your marriage, your budget… Really a million things.

Since, I am now working on my fifth, that is right, fifth whole house remodel, I’ve learned a few things that make the whole process easier, or at least keep your family at the forefront through the process. And I wanted to share some thoughts about what you can do to survive a remodel.

5 tips for surviving a remodel @remodelaholic #remodel #tips

Tips for Surviving a Remodel

1. Create a relaxing family space, that can stay clean, and keep you connected.

Remodeling is messy!! Can I get an Amen? Everything that used to be in the room you are working on doesn’t have a home, and it throws up all over your house!  BUT try to keep a space clean and free of the extra stuff if at all possible. Stock the room with things your family likes to do together, books, games, movies, music.  And hang out together there.

2. Try to eat meals together!! (not in the car on the way home from a drive through, that doesn’t count but yes we’ve done it)

When working on a kitchen remodel this can be really tricky, but don’t skip that time chatting around the family table  (even if you are at McDonalds…) — sit down and talk about your days and connect as a family.

3. Work together with some fun music whenever possible!

Make it a game and include the family (where safe and appropriate, use your brain!)

4. Stick to your budget!

This is harder than it seems.  Honestly I haven’t mastered this, but financial stress on top of remodeling stress is NOT a good combination.  Make a plan, include 10-20% extra for unforeseen problems and try to stick with it.

5. Take a break now and then and get away from the mess and stress!!

Even if it is just exploring your hometown on your own little stay-cation, visiting friends or family a town away, or going on a little road trip.  Stepping away from the stress is such a great way to reconnect with your loved ones and ground yourself.  And let some of the stress just roll off your shoulders.

How do you guys survive a Stressful remodel?

Share your tips in the comments!

Last month, Justin and I had to just get away from it all.  It keeps us in touch as a family!!  So, we planned a trip to a little place just a few hours away.

Road trip baby!

I had purchased tickets to see The Little Mermaid at Tuacahn.  Then like the timing dos were on our side, we got an email that gave us the opportunity to test out a BRAND spanking new GMC Yukon Denali for the trip…

I’m not gonna lie, I felt a bit like a movie star or that we had been inducted into the FBI.  The car was stunningly beautiful!

Family trip with GMC-

We drove down to St. George, Utah in style and just spent time together as a family.  It was totally needed!

Family trip with GMC--3

We didn’t really have any distinct plans besides The Little Mermaid, visiting Zions National Park and lots of pool time! We loved searching for cool local restaurants.  Shout out to Tom’s Deli, you are my new favorite!  I think I will stop by and pick up lunch every single time we come down… just saying.

Tom's Deli

We did some window shopping at Urban Renewal.

While at lunch, we saw a local magazine that had the community stuff that was going on.  And in the town next door, they had a production of Shrek going on.  I Love you Lord Farquaad.  It was so much fun!  A great last minute decision!

We played on the red rocks and watched a few Doc Mcstuffins (keepin’ it real)…

Red Rocks

  We drove over to Zions for the day and hiked and posed for lots of pictures.  It was amazing!

Family trip with GMC--4
Family trip with GMC--6

Family Trip to St George Utah--16

Family trip with GMC--7

Family trip with GMC--8

Family trip with GMC--10
Family trip with GMC--13

Family Trip to St George Utah--12

Family trip with GMC--14

Last but not least, we saw The Little Mermaid.  I felt like a 6 year old girl I was SO STINKIN” EXCITED!  And it did not disappoint, from the AMAZING outdoor theater in front of the red rock cliffs to the whole production cast!  LOVELY!  I am already planning on Beauty and the Beast next year!

The Little Mermaid

Family trip with GMC--15

*Thanks GMC for providing the Yukon to drive on our trip… can I admit, I am sad you wanted it back!!  All opinions in this post are my own!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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