Painting Old Wood Trim and Door Hardware

Painting Old Wood Trim and Door Hardware
contributed by Welcome to Heardmont
We’ve been hard at work in our entryway this past week, slowly but surely getting rid of all our 80′s wood trim.  Even though we painted our entry and hallway a light gray about a year ago, we hadn’t touched any of the trim since we bought our house.  Here’s what we were dealing with.
I sanded and primed the door frames and window frames.  We decided not to paint the baseboards yet in the rooms that are eventually getting new flooring.  Needless to say, this is one of those rooms. :)
Next came two coats of semi-gloss trim paint.  After the trim had dried it was time to get the wall paint back out and cover up messes I made around the edges.  Finally I ran a razor blade around the edges of the two windows at the end of the entry way to ensure a nice clean painted edge.
The last step came this weekend.  I got out the 6″ roller and painted the wood door on the right end of the hallway.  This door leads to our garage, so I only painted the inside.
While I was waiting for the paint on the door to dry, I decided to experiment with painting the brass doorknob.  I grabbed a few other hinges and knobs and got out the spray paint!
I started by roughing up the pieces with sandpaper and laying them out on cardboard in the yard.
Next came a coat of gray auto primer, two coats of silver, and a clear coat on top.
After exercising a lot of patience, here is the finished result!
Now for one last look at the updated entryway Before and After.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Isn't it amazing what a difference a few coats of paint can make? And I guess I'm kinda goofy, but my favorite part is the difference in what the doorknobs look like. Isn't all of this awesome? And…I don't blog, but one of the blogs I follow had a tutorial on how to post your before photo where you can put the cursor over the photo and it changes from the "before" to the "after" photo. If you e-mail me, I'll share that URL with you.

  2. >wow! that made a huge difference!! i have oak trim throughout my entire house.. and my husband isn't convinced that we should be changing it.. maybe if i show him your post he will get onboard 🙂

  3. >I love the transformation!! Especially because I have been wanting to do the same thing. Did you use the same paint for the trim and the door? What type of primer is best to use on the wood? Thanks for sharing!

  4. >Wow, that is an awesome transformation – well done! I never would have thought to paint the doorknobs, but they look fantastic.

  5. >Hi there! Thanks so much for the feature, Cassity!

    Kim, to answer your question, I used Kilz 2 Primer on our wood trim after roughing it up a bit with some sandpaper. The paint on the trim and door are the same semi-gloss latex in Betsy's Linen by Valspar. I've heard oil-based paints are good for trim as well, but I didn't want to deal with the smell or the mess.

    The trim and doorknobs are both holding up great several months later!
    Meredith @ Welcome to Heardmont

  6. >Looks awesome! We also have an 80's house and similar trim color. We had a whole kitchen full of cabinets in that lovely color, until a couple weeks ago! I also repainted our interior doors hardware (which was also brass) with a black spray paint. Looks awesome and very inexpensive. I figured what is it going to hurt? It can't look worse. I'm inspired by your project to just do the frames of the doors and windows. I am not ready to tackle the base boards because someday I'd like new flooring and I feel like it would be a waste of time. Thanks for sharing your post!

  7. >oh my! huge improvement. i love white trim! especially freshly paint white trim. execellent idea!!

  8. >WoW! It looks so great. It's crazy how a little paint can change to whole look of a room. Good job!

  9. I have really dark stained trim and want to paint it white. My husband is Adament that the grains showing through will look horrible. How much grain shoes through on yours?