No fear of Color, Bamboo Styled Dresser Redo

No fear of Color, Bamboo Styled Dresser Redo

Meg wrote this post last week about the dresser project we were working on. We are SO excited to share this project with you.

We found this dresser online and scooped it up right away. Here it is in transit to our “studio” (the garage).

Here are the lovely befores…

Here are some pics of the renovation in action….
And here are the afters….drum roll…….
Straight on….
The details on this dresser are so great.
This dresser also comes with a matching mirror.
Here are the details….
This dresser is so great and I know that it will fit perfectly in someones home. 
I would keep it for myself if I could.
Take this home with you for $220! Contact us at for purchase.
Here are the specs: 9 drawers. 30 inches tall, 19 inches deep, 62.5 inches long.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I absolutely love how it came out! It looks just like a piece you would find in some expensive store. The green was such a fabulous choice by the way esp with the bamboo details. So chic!

  2. >OH MY GOSH!!! i am working on a dresser right now and about to get the last coat of emerald green paint on it AND it is exactly that style!! too funny! i just did the nightstand that went with it but did it in symphony blue! love it! hope my final product looks as good!

  3. >I am SUCH a wuss! I always stick to neutrals. This is amazing, though!!!! Building. Color. Confidence. Must. Paint. Something. Bold!!

    Thanks for inspiring! (need another exclamation point in here?!)


  4. >Okay I'm totally resenting the flip flops staring at me in that mirror. ::sigh:: I miss the sun.

    Love the dresser though!

  5. This looks amazing. It is my favorite color. I am posting a couple of ginger style lamps I am selling on THE ENCHNATED FIG TREE on etsy- they are sitting on my green dresser!

    Nice job!

    p.s. your work space looks awesome- I am so jealous!

    1. Hi Courtney! This was a guest post, so you’ll have to click over to the original blog (linked at the top of the post) and ask there. Sorry I’m not more help! Thanks for reading!

  6. Loving the dresser painted green! It’s going to be a statement piece for some lucky person, for sure. Great choice of hardware to compliment the paint color. I have a tall bamboo dresser that’s sitting in my shed for the past year because I can’t decide to go bold or subtle with paint color. You’ve got me leaning toward glossy & bold.

  7. Oh my goodness, as I was reading the beginning of this post, I was inwardly chanting, “Go Kelly green, go Kelly green!” and hooray, you did! It looks fabulous! Perfect color for that dresser!

  8. Hi Cassity,
    I just saw your article on your green bamboo dresser from 2011. I have a similar dresser wanting to paint that same color. While searching to find the color I came across yours thats adorable! Would you mind sharing with me the paint color you used? Thanks!

    1. Hi Cassie,
      I wish I knew! That was a guest post so I’m not certain the specific color. I’d love to see your dresser when you’re finished!