Multi-functional Decorative Rope Ladder

Hey there Remodelaholics! It’s Thalita again from The Learner Observer, back with another DIY for you! You might remember me from projects like the 80’s unit I turned into an entertainment unit, or the time I painted my entirely tiled bathroom, or how about last time you saw me here, when I made over some plain folding chairs into gold and marbleized beauties? Well I’m here today with a super simple, non-painting project for you! It’s is so easy, I could hardly believe it myself when it was finished in a matter of 15 minutes. That’s right… 15 minutes!

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for

The materials for this are super easy to find and inexpensive, to boot! I got everything I needed at a hardware store and spent less than $10. Now I say that’s a major win for a project that can be used all year long and can be moved around to different rooms of the house as well – heck, it can even be used outdoors!

How to Build a Decorative Rope Ladder

Here is where we start:

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comThe wood I used was about $2 each because they’re just nailing strips! I went for the knotty ones, non-pressure treated and they can be a little wonky – literally! Make sure you look for the straightest ones possible.

After cutting them in half (which most hardware stores will do for you, free of charge), measure where you want the holes to go. I measured 1.5 inches from the edges for all of mine.

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comNow drill the holes in the center of the wood (or as close to the center as possible). You’ll notice some of mine aren’t perfectly centered – the knots in the wood kind of got in the way! No big deal, though…

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comI sanded the strips lightly and sanded off the remaining bits of wood in the holes. Now you’re ready to “build”!

In all honesty, I didn’t measure the length of the rope. I know… bad blogger! It was about 6 feet long, give or take a couple of inches. I folded it in half and made a little loop on the top.

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comI taped the ends to make threading through the wood strips a little easier. This also ensured that the rope didn’t fray while threading it through the strips.

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comAfter the first stips, I made a knot under the wood about a foot below the loop. Repeat on the other side, then again with a new strip and another. They each have about 1 foot of rope in between them so that there’s enough space for whatever is hanging on this ladder to be showcased properly.

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comThough I had 4 strips of wood, I only ended up using 3. That’s because the odd number felt a little better – a little more natural, if that’s possible for a ladder? It just seemed like the length was more manageable with just 3 strips as well, but depending on your space, I’m sure 4 or more would be fantastic!

The last thing you’ll need to do is cut off the ends and/or remove the tape. I simply cut mine off so there’s only about 1/2 an inch below the last knot.

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comNow the best part about this project is its versatility. I styled it two different ways to show you just some of the possibilities.

First, I think this would be so great in a bathroom! A cool and rustic towel rack can bring in a touch of warmth to a bathroom, and happens to be a little decorative as well!

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comThe large hook isn’t necessary, but I figure it helps in making the whole thing a little nicer looking, don’t you? I love the beachy vibe of the rope, which is great for Summertime and also makes this a great potential for use outdoors! Imagine this hanging at your cottage or even beside your pool with some beach towels. Pretty great, right?

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comNow, I know it’s not Summer, so let’s think about a season we’re all becoming familiar with: Fall! It’s the time for blankets and hot cups of tea, so why not use this rope ladder in your living room to store some extra cozies?

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comEasy access and makes for a great addition of some texture to your walls! The wood is smooth, so the blankets don’t catch on it and it’s super light so you don’t have to worry about the whole thing being too heavy.

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comI love how it comes off the wall and I think it looks so great from all angles! I might just have to make a whole bunch of these and start hanging them everywhere!

Ok, so to give you a better idea of materials and cost, here’s exactly what I used:

Not too shabby, right? The great thing is that if you decide to make more, you don’t need to include the cost of the rope because there’s enough rope to make about 9 of these! Also, the sandpaper can be used over again since I cut 1/4 of the sheet. So next time I make one this will cost all of $4 for the wood. One more reason to make more of them!

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comOh, and for all you Pinterest addicts (ahem, like me!), here’s a fun image for you, in case you’d like to be reminded of how to make this in the future!

Using just rope and some 1x1 wood you can make a great towel or blanket rack in 15 minutes! Via The Learner Observer for Remodelaholic.comHope you’ve enjoyed this super simple project! I’d love to hear your thoughts on it, and if you have ever made one of these yourself!

Also, if you like easy projects like this one, come see how I turned a plain old box into a little Kate Spade-inspired beauty using electrical tape and how I then took that same tape and made some geometric jewelry dishes. I’m also in the middle of a full master bedroom makeover if you’d like to follow along!

Until next time, friends!



Try your woodworking skills on these other easy wood projects, too!

Simple $5 Blanket Ladder

Hotel Style Key Rack

Easy Floating Bedside Table 

Wood Stake Doormat

Easiest Rustic Wood Shelves

DIY Floating Frame for Canvas

Website | + posts

Thalita is a mom of twins, teacher, and blogger over at The Learner Observer. She is a frugal DIY-er and avid lover of thrift store scores with a passion for making over spaces with pieces that are both meaningful and beautiful. Favourite colour? White. Favourite food? Ice Cream. Favourite Pastime? Instagram, where she shares an abundance of pictures of her twin boys along with her latest home reno and decorating adventures!

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  1. Hi, I just discovered your blog – you have really interesting projects! For 12 bucks this rope ladder will definitely come in handy in so many different ways. We live in a fairly small apartment so this will really come in handy. Great post!