Incorporating Indigo Mudcloth in Living Room Decor

Hello again! Dawn here, from AD Aesthetic, and I’m back with another mood board for your decoration inspiration. One trend I’ve been dying for lately is the use of traditional indigo mudcloth fabrics in decor. If you haven’t spotted this trend yet, or aren’t familiar with the term, mudcloth is a traditional African fabric that is dyed with fermented mud and plant dyes. The process produces beautiful results, and the patterns of authentic mudcloth often have names and meanings that reflect the rich history of Mali’s Bamana culture, where the art originated.

Learn how to add beautiful blue indigo mudcloth to your decor with this comfortable but chic living room mood board decor ideas and product picks. #remodelaholic

While I’m head over heels for all mudcloth, indigo mudcloth really has my heart at the moment, and I wanted to create this month’s moodboard as a sort of guide to incorporating this beautiful fabric into your space. Here’s what I came up with:

Incorporating Indigo Mudcloth

Learn how to add beautiful blue indigo mudcloth to your decor with this comfortable but chic living room mood board decor ideas and product picks. #remodelaholic

Indigo Mudcloth Living Room Decor Sources

(contains affiliate links; learn more here)

Rug  |  Couch  |  Basket  |  Small Vase

Bud Vase  |  Curtains  |  Hanging Planter

Art  |  Bookends  |  Pillows

Tips for Decorating with Indigo Mudcloth

Here are some tips for incorporating indigo mudcloth in your decor:

Plants make indigo pop.

One thing you’ll notice in almost all the inspiration photos below, is that greenery combined with indigo mudcloth looks amazing. The combination of green plants with the bold, rich color of this mudcloth brings out the vibrant indigo tones and sets the perfect tone for the pattern. So add a plant or two (or three) and a hanging planter to your space to pump up the color and let the blue of your mudcloth accents shine.

Pair with natural textures.

Another thing many mudcloth inspiration images have in common is that natural textures work beautifully with the patterns in indigo mudcloth. From woven baskets, to natural fiber rugs, to wood accents, the slight imperfections in natural textures makes the imperfect pattern of mudcloth look right at home, and gives the whole space a cozy, welcoming vibe.

Let the pattern shine.

Indigo mudcloth is a showstopping fabric, so let it do it’s thing! Whether that means pairing it with white walls, avoiding competing patterns, or steering clear of too many other bold colors, letting the mudcloth shine creates a sense of drama and allows the natural beauty of the fabric to be the focal point of the space.

More Indigo Mudcloth Decor Inspiration

Indigo Mudcloth Decorating Inspiration
Image Source: Norwegian Wood
Indigo Mudcloth Decorating Inspiration
Image Source: Amber Interiors Photo Credit: Tessa Neustadt
Indigo Mudcloth Decorating Inspiration
Image Source: Homepolish Photo Credit: Dustin Halleck
Indigo Mudcloth Decorating Inspiration
Image Source: Pillows by Elissa
Indigo Mudcloth Decorating Inspiration
Image Source: My Domaine Photo Credit: Tessa Neustadt
Indigo Mudcloth Decorating Inspiration
Image Source: Sara Toufali
Indigo Mudcloth Decorating Inspiration
Image Source: Apartment Therapy
Indigo Mudcloth Decorating Inspiration
Image Source: Amber Interiors Photo Credit: Tessa Neustadt
Indigo Mudcloth Decorating Inspiration
Original Source Unknown
Indigo Mudcloth Decorating Inspiration
Original Source Unknown
Indigo Mudcloth Decorating Inspiration
Image Source: The Boho Bungalow

As always, thank you to Cassity and the Remodelaholic team for having me back each month. I’d love for you to visit me over on my site,, or follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram for more updates and inspiration. Have a great day, friends!


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Tips For Decorating With Indigo Mudcloth #remodelaholic


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Dawn is one half of the team behind the creative blog, AD Aesthetic. By day she works as the VP of Creative for a design and marketing company (getting paid to make things look good!), while by night she renovates her Midwest home, refinishes thrift-store furniture for fun, and works with her husband on raising two tiny humans. Dawn believes in the potential to design your surroundings and your life one day at a time, and lives by the motto, 'Make everything beautiful.' Get to know her better by visiting her blog,, or following along on Facebook and Instagram.

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