Fudge Brownies with Nutella Frosting

I haven’t shared a recipe in so long, okay maybe it has really only been two weeks, but cooking truly is one of my first loves, so I thought I would share something really simple with you today.. how about something with Nutella?  Brownies with Nutella?  A creamy Nutella frosting recipe with brownies… yeah, it sounds good to me too?


Okay, ya know I have to clarify first that I didn’t just jump on the Nutella train(if you are on Pinterest- come follow me there too, you’ve seen how many Nutella recipes there are nowadays)… I have been on it for years. (I guess my pant size would prove it, which is why I am back on the third day shred with Gillian…).  But ya know, I still need treats now and then, and the other day when I wanted some brownies I though it would be fun to whip up this Nutella frosting recipe. (recipe for the fudge brownies here).


In about 2 minutes flat, I had a nice fluffy frosting, it was so easy!  But, if you are brave, and your pockets are lined with cash (cuz holy cow Nutella is expensive…) will say this, I think straight Nutella would have been really good too!


best homemade fudge brownies with nutella frosting recipe2


Nutella Frosting Recipe:

1/2 cup butter (softened)

1 cup Nutella

1 1/2 cup powdered sugar

one shake salt

splash of milk (if needed)


Beat the Nutella and butter together until smooth.  Add the sprinkle of salt and the first 1/2 cup of powdered sugar, beat until combined.  Continue to add the powdered sugar a 1/2 cup at a time, beating between additions, until creamy and smooth.  Add a small splash of milk if necessary.


When your homemade brownies are cooled, spread the frosting evenly… and enjoy (Oh and please give this brownie recipe a try, it is necessary I think it take 2 minutes more than a bagged mix… and is SO worth it! This is coming form a girl who has preferred brownie mixes her whole life…)


best homemade fudge brownies with nutella frosting recipe

What good recipes do you have that use Nutella, I hope you will share if you have a link…

And if you want to try this recipe I would LOVE you it if you shared via Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter!


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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. We love Nutella in our house! My girls often request it on toast, instead of peanut butter. I also like to make chocolate layer cakes, with Nutella spread between the layers. Soooo good. I’ve always used Nutella “as is” so I’m excited to give this recipe a try. Thanks for posting!

  2. What’s up friends, good piece of writing and pleasant urging commented at this place, I am truly enjoying by these.

  3. I used dairy-free spread instead of butter (already has the right consistency) and didn’t add any sugar – I find nutella sweet enough. Had to stick the icing in the fridge for a bit so it wouldn’t go too soft but oh was it YUM. Went perfectly well on top of my orange muffins for a Jaffa effect!

  4. I used a small amount of the frosting spread on French toast(it was amazing) and then used the rest to frost some box brownies! It’s was very tasty. I also used generic Nutella from Aldi as its a bit more nutty 🙂