Family Time, Valentine’s Table Setting

Okay, I realize that I didn’t get this up yesterday… but the good news is that I cleaned my house! Yea!.. well, I cleaned the downstairs, today I need to do the upstairs. (less excited) yea.
Anyway, I am going to show you the family or group setting, which also had a theme.  I guess it all started shopping at Wally world.  Technically, I was looking for my Horchata mix, but the Latino foods are right next to the Asian foods, and well it is just so fun to look. 
First, I found some little chocolate sticks, that would be so much cuter with sprinkles… then I had to buy fortune cookies, cause they would be cuter dipped in chocolate with sprinkles… I think my brain may just be filled with sprinkles!  Either way, Valentines is just better with sprinkles!   Then, I found some Valentine’s Take out boxes and that sealed the deal!
It also just so happens that my sister Tiffany lived in Japan for 3 years with her family and she was cool, no -super awesome enough to buy me a whole set of beautiful Japanese dishes.  And I have been collecting other pieces to go with them for the last 8 years… at garage sales, Ross, Ross and uh Walmart.
The color scheme is also a little less formula Valentines, but I really love how the pops of red really show. 
On to the table scape.  Here is the table before:
I used an old table cloth that was my grandmothers.  I really love it.
Also, I had two red table runners.  Technically they are too long to hang across the table this way, so I overlapped them where they would be covered by the place mat. 
All I really knew, was that I wanted to use my dishes and have a fortune cookie with the little chocolate sticks on there and so I fooled around until I got a look that worked for me. 
I used my Dutch glasses that my best friend Nanette brought home for me when I was like 18, probably the best memento I have ever received from someone else’s vacation.
I tried folding the napkins into cranes, but they were too big, it may be something I try another time…
These Hurricanes are from Walmart, I filled them with red hots, and a white unscented 3″ pillar candle and placed them on one of the Japanese like plates I got at Ross.
The vase in the center is from Ross, it cost something like 4.00.  Gotta love that.
Here are the rest of the pictures, I was having fun taking them.
*** EDIT:  I’ve had two questions about the chandelier:  There are the crystal hearts tutorial on this post, tied up with fishing line or clear thread.  And then I threw on a wired garland from the dollar store, and for some reason the picture is coming in sideways, thanks blogger!  I just took another picture… Hope that helps clarify.
So this, is my first try at really setting up a table all by myself… 
I know I own the dishes, but most of the time I fell like that is enough.
So, how do you think it went?
Do you like the colors?
What else would be fun with this theme?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I think it's beautiful! I like how it's not so over-the-top Valentine's Day… just a hint! And your dishes are beautiful. I never thought to shop the grocery store for decorating things, LOL! I'm sort of excited now to go grocery shopping!

    You didn't say anything about what's hanging over the table, but I see some neat looking hearts… what are those?


  2. >Beautiful table decorations. And commenter number 1 Tania is asking just what I want to know – I'd love a closer look at the lamp decoration. I can spot those pipe-cleaner hearts you made the other day there… What else?

  3. >Man I love your style girl. You are so super classy with everyday things. Wish I had your panache. You are so talented.

  4. >Fantastic…I really like the whole thing. My only problem..there are 3 of us…I always feel weird setting the table for 3…maybe I should just do one end (the head and 2 seats one on right and one one left..)then do something a little similar to your couples set up…totally just thinking aloud in your comment section…oops!

  5. >It turned out darling! I love the unexpected Japanese dishes. they add just the right touch. The chocolate dipped fortune cookies are darling!

  6. >Very nicely done! I like the clean & serene lines of the Asian inspired theme.

    As a hint, did you know you can microwave fortune cookies to soften them just enough to open them up, pull out the factory fortune paper & tuck in a personalized one that you have ready to go? You have to work quickly because as they cool, the cookie hardens again but they make the neatest treat for a special occasion. People LOVE getting their name & something personal inside their own cookie!