DIY Stenciled Faux Wallpaper

DIY Stenciled Faux Wallpaper 
I love the look of wallpaper – but it can be sooo expensive!  When J and I bought our condo {almost exactly 3 years ago}, the first thing we did was wallpaper my office and our master bedroom.  I LOVE how it turned out and certainly don’t regret it.  But since then, I have come across some GREAT alternatives!
{I apologize for all the crummy iPhone pics!}
Anyway – here is my DIY painted wallpaper that I did in my entryway:
1.  I ran across this tutorial awhile back from Emily over at Jones Design Company, and I knew I wanted to try it!  I usedthis template that I liked and printed it out, traced it onto cardboard, and then cut that out.
2.  I traced the cardboard image with pencil in a repeating pattern on each wall of my entry.
3.  Then I just took a small paint brush {the width of how thick I wanted my lines to be} and started painting over all my pencil lines.
I wanted one shade lighter than my wall color {which is Creek Bend by Behr in eggshell} & in a high gloss finish.  But Creek Bend is the lightest shade on the color swatch, so I went online to see what one shade lighter is – which is porpoise {the color on the left}.  It was waaay too light for me, so I went back to Home Depot and had them darken it by 50%.  I took that home and it was STILL too light!  Back to the Depot I went, having them darken it again by 25%.  And waa-laa!  This is what I was looking for! (right)
The finished product:
I love how it turned out!  It does require some patience and time – but I think it is worth it.  And I especially love the gloss; it creates more interest and provides a great sheen in the evening when we turn on the lamps!
Now I’m hooked and looking forward to my next project!  🙂
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Now my plans for my hallway are getting bigger just by seeing this! Wow, this is great. How long did it take you to do?

    Love it.


  2. >I LOVE THIS!

    After helping an aunt UNwall paper basically her whole house, I have not been a fan of wall papper but I do love the look of the patterns. This is a perfect way to add the interest yet not destroy the wall!

    Really love the look & the colors of that room. Nice work.

  3. >Beautiful! I love paint/stencil as an alternative to wallpaper (too much scraping history). Your design is gorgeous!

    (Hi Cassity!)

    Have a wonderful day, ladies!


  4. >Love, love, love this! I did a similar thing in my other home but I used clear glaze as I wanted a subtle tone on tone look to my wall. Now, I want to do it again in my new home! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. >Wow, the walls look awesome! Love the look of the glossy pattern against the wall colour. I'm sure it took a lot of time & patience, but definitely worth the effort 🙂