Art for Non-Artists: 3 DIY Art Projects YOU Can Do

Hi there!!  Megan here again from Megan Campbell Designs.

Last Month I brought you the Color Files….we looked at everything Green!!!

We have also explored everything Orange, Fuchsia and Navy!!

This month I am sticking to bright color, but having a change of pace and bringing you a fun DIY art project!!


I am not an artist.  In fact, I am a terrible artist….So I wanted to create some fun art projects that anyone could do and that took only about 5- 10 minutes each!!  I know there are a lot of busy moms out there, myself included, maybe even some that are artistically challenged like I am, so if I can do these following projects, then trust me… can you!!

For all of the following DIY ART projects I used the following materials that were all found at my local craft store:

Mixed Media Paper….You could use any type.


Acrylic Paint….these were the colors I chose, but again….you could pick any colors and there are a ton!!!


And a good paint brush.  These come in all sizes….I chose one middle of the road.

photo 4

Easy Ombre Art

For the first piece of art….I wanted to create something fun for my daughters room.  I love Ombre….so decided to do something Pink Ombre.

I started with the Pink Paint and painted about a two inch line across the top of the page….

pink progress

Then I just added White Paint to the Pink to make each line a shade lighter…..

finished pink

Once it was completed, I let it dry……this paint actually dries pretty fast.   Then I framed it in an inexpensive Ikea Ribba frame.

diy art anyone can do

Doesn’t a nice frame make everything look so much more professional!!  I love how simple this project was, but how fun it turned out.

We hung it in my daughters room and it added just what we needed to brighten up the corner of her room.


I love her room and this added another personal touch….check out a tour of her entire room HERE!!!

Modern Cork Art — For Kids!

For the next DIY art project….I used the same materials, but had my 6 year old daughter help me out!!!

She started by stamping the paper with different colors of the paint using corks!!


Once she was finished and while the paint was still wet….I used my paint brush to smear all of the colors together….

cork pic

Again, I was not sure how this would turn out….but again….it took 5 minutes and kept my daughter entertained in the meantime.

Once it was framed….we both loved it and she was so proud of herself!!

diy stamps

It is now displayed in her room and she says that she loves looking at it each night as she falls asleep…


Colorblocked Modern DIY Art

For the final DIY project….I again used the same supplies….and started out by just painting different colors of lines….in different angles…


photo 1

There is literally no way you can mess this up…..Once they were completed and framed….I hung them in my clients new Master Bedroom


She was so pleased with them and they add just the right amount of color in her already bright room.

To see the full tour of her Before and After……Please visit my blog at Megan Campbell Designs.

I would love to have you check it out….you can also find me on Instagram.

I hope this inspires you to go out and try something new.  Art does not have to be expensive or complicated to be beautiful.

Be Well,


 3 easy diy art projects that you can do at home via @Remodelaholic


If you like this post, then you’ll love this collection of 25 more DIY art ideas — and don’t miss 25 DIY art ideas for kids rooms!

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