Make Your Own "All Ears" Easter Craft

Make Your Own "All Ears" Easter Craft | #holiday #craft #kids #easter #egg #bunny



After the candy’s gone, your child can use a plastic egg to create a sweet bunny friend! This adorable Easter craft idea was sent in to be featured by FamilyFun Magazine!

You will need:
pipe cleaners
plastic Easter egg
permanent marker

1.     First, bend a pipe cleaner in half. Open the plastic egg and push the ends of the pipe cleaner out through the two holes in the top of the egg.

2.     Bend each end into an ear shape, then inset the tips back through the holes.

3.     Cut a second pipe cleaner in half.

4.     Fold on piece in half and insert each end out through the holes in the base of the egg. Form each end into a foot.

5.     Glue a white pom-pom to the back of the egg, low enough so the bunny can lean against it.

6.     Add an expressive face with permanent marker.


Find more great Easter Crafts for kids here.


Featured image courtesy of FamilyFun Magazine.

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