Day 5 Around here lately


I just feel like talking today, being thankful.  Here is what is up in my house:



I feel like life has been moving by really quickly lately.  Since we moved from Texas, back to Utah we have been in the midst of downsizing our house by 1,000 square feet and living without a kitchen.  It has been 2 months.


I am not complaining, it is really not that bad.   Sorta like camping and I like camping.  Besides, I have been trying out tons of fun crockpot meals, and our pancake griddle can do so many more things than just make pancakes.


Surprisingly I am perfectly comfortable in our smaller house, it is not too small.  I guess in Texas we had a lot of underutilized space that just needed to be cleaned.  Although I miss having an office I can close myself into occasionally to get something done without interruption, I miss our stay at my home babysitters and of course I miss our friend’s weekly play dates.


Etta cute face

But I love how my girls are getting older, Growing up so close to family.  We got to go to my sister in law’s baby shower last night and it was so fun to have my girls play with her girls and my husband get to just hang out with my brother.  I have MISSED that in Texas.  I am so happy that my kids are getting to know their grandparents on both sides.  It pretty much melts my heart when I hear Lydia say “I Yuv you!” to our parents.



We have been taking advantage of the wonderful fall weather, and the canyon trails.  We’ve been eating a bounteous supply of peaches, apples, pears and whatever else we can find in my mother’s GINORMOUS garden.  One of my favorite thing is this Peach Heaven Recipe:


Peach Heaven freash peach dessert


Peach Heaven

1 large box Vanilla Wafers (I have substituted Animal crackers)

1 1/2 cups Powdered Sugar

1 stick of butter (1/2 Cup)

1 beaten egg (substitute milk)

10 Cups Fresh Sliced Peaches

1 Pint Whipping Cream (whipped and sweetened to taste)



1. Smash wafers into crumbs, (reserve 1/4 of the crumbs) Sprinkle evenly over the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan.

2. In a bowl cream together powdered sugar, butter and egg.  (I feel like this could be doubled…. but it adds a lot of calories so your choice.  Also,  I substituted milk, it is basically a frosting of sorts anyway, you don’t want it too wet though, 1/4 cup should be plenty)  Once mixed, put dots of mixture over crumbs and very carefully spread out.  This is not an easy step, because it moved the crumbs so easily which is another reason doubling it might be helpful!

3. Slice all your peaches, I left the skins on cause I like them, but that is a personal preference remove them if desired.  Layer them all over the “frosting” layer, nice and thick!

4. Cover all with whipped cream and sprinkle with remaining crumbs!  This is best if it has been in the fridge for a few hours, although I will admit, the first time I made it I didn’t wait ten minutes to eat it, and I still loved it!

That is it!  Enjoy!  If you try this, you will love it, I promise!  And it is so easy, your kids could help you make it.   Lydia loved it, yes that much that she licked the plate!


Lydia lickiing the plate


What have you guys been doing lately?

Please send me a comment and let me know you are even reading this 31 days series!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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    1. NO!! No hints, I actually featured the recipe a few years ago and copied the text, since I finally took pictures of the dessert! I missed that part… You are definitely reading, I will go change that right now!

  1. I am reading your 31 day series. Even before the series, I checked your blog daily for new posts. I was excited to read your post about making the blog more personal. I will give this recipe a try!

  2. That recipe looks so yummy, I will have to put it on my must try list soon! Our children having a close relationship to family is so important. My own children have a wonderfully special relationship with each family member and I feel so blessed by that!


    1. Thanks McKenzie! It is good to hear, no one has commented for the last two or three days and it is a huge burden to post an extra time everyday, so it has been hard! THANKS for your comments and fro reading them everyday!

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